Internal Complaint Committee – Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Govt. College

Internal Complaint Committee

From the very inception of this college in the new premises in 2015 the college had a Woman’s Grievance cell as the Teachers’ Council sub – committee. This cell had organised several workshops and awareness programmes specially for the women stakeholders of the college.Not only that the cell had also handled  firmly a few written grievances lodged by the girl students of the college under the active guidance and support of the Officer-in- Charge,Dr.Sebanti Bhattacharya. The college has a zero tolerance approach in dealing with any such complaints.
The Woman’s Grievance Cell was dissolved and immediately an Internal Complaint Committee was formed on 22nd of January, 2019 in keeping with the UGC guidelines. This committee aims at developing an understanding of gender, managing diversity and inclusiveness in a multi cultural workplace and legal awareness on the Sexual Harassment at workplace (Prevention,Prohibition and Redressal)Act,2013.
Ms.Madhupurna Ghosh ,Joint Secretary of an NGO named Sutanutir Sakhya is working as an external member of this Committee. The Officer in charge of the institution, Dr.Sebanti Bhattacharya along with the Committee is always trying to maintain a healthy atmosphere both for learning and teaching. The college also has an Internal Complaint Box which is placed near the staircase which has maximum footfall and is clearly visible to all its stakeholders. This Complaint Box is opened twice a month by the Presiding Officer of the Committee.There are enough
notices  throughout the college premises stating the purpose of the Committee and clearly stating the method of lodging a complaint. On 16th March, 2019 the Committee had organised a gender sensitization programme wherein Ms.Madhupurna Ghosh, Joint Secretary, Sutanutir Sakhya had delivered a lecture along with an interactive session with all its stakeholders. The stakeholders of this college can lodge their initial complaint  to the above mentioned committee members through phone calls ,emails or even verbally in the staffroom confidentially.
The mobile phone numbers and email ids  of the members of this Committee are provided for any kind of assistance pertaining to this serious issue :
Smt.Bedasruti Chakraborty,
Asst.Prof Department of History  (Presiding Officer ICC)
Smt Moushumi Chakravorti,
Associate Prof Department of Bengali
Dr.Mala Neogy,
Associate Prof Department of Botany
Dr.Sreejith K,
Asst.Prof,Department of History
Ms. Krishna Banerjee,
Office Staff

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