Dr. Sreejith K (HOD) – Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Govt. College

Dr. Sreejith K (HOD)

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: History

Qualification: M. A. (University of Calicut), M. Phil. (JNU), Ph. D. (JNU)

Area of Specialization: Modern Indian History

E-mail: sreeji1967@gmail.com


All course materials delivered by Dr. Sreejith K is available online, click here

Research Area/Areas of Interest

Naxalite Movement/ Social and Cultural history of Modern India/ Colonial History of Darjeeling

Research Projects Carried Out

  1. Awarded University Grants Commission’s Minor Research Project titled ‘Colonising the Hills: The British in Darjeeling (1835-1947)’ in 2005. (sanctioned amount – Rs. 100,000/-)
  2. Awarded University Grants Commission’s Minor Research Project titled ‘Domesticity in Colonial Malabar’ in 2009. (sanctioned amount – Rs. 82,000/-)



The Middle Class in Colonial Malabar: A Social History’ in 2021(Manohar, Delhi/Routledge, London)

In journals

  1. ‘A Day off for Cricket in the Early days of the Republic’, Mainstream (online), ISSN: 2582-7316, Vol 62 No 49-52, Dec 7, Dec 14, Dec 21 to Dec 28, 2024 (Annual Number)
  2. ‘Memoirs of an Exalite’, Mainstream (online), ISSN: 2582-7316Vol 62 No 42-43, Oct 19 & 26, 2024.
  3. ‘Notes on the Dismissal of an Office Clerk in Late Colonial Malabar’ Mainstream Weekly, Vol 61, No. 52, December 2023 (ISSN 2582-7316)
  4. ‘Naxalites and the New Democratic Revolution: The Kerala Experience 1967-70’, Bengal Past and Present, 1999 (ISBN 0005-8807)
  5. ‘Naxalite Movement and Cultural Resistance: Experience of Janakiya Samskarika Vedi in Kerala (1980-82)’, Economic and Political Weekly, December 10, 2005 (ISSN – 0012-9976)
  6. ‘Colonisng the Hills: The British in Darjeeling (1835-1947)’, Bengal Past and Present, 2006 (ISBN 0005-8807)
  7. ‘Domesticity in Colonial Malabar’, Bengal Past and Present, 2009 (ISBN 0005-8807)
  8. ‘Leisure in Colonial Malabar’, Exploring History, July-December, 2012 (ISSN – 2230-8490)
  9. ‘Negotiating Tradition and Modernity: Middle Class Dilemmas in Colonial Malabar’, Social Scientist, March-April 2013 (ISSN 0970 -0293)
  10. ‘Domestic Lives and Leisurely Pursuits in Colonial Malabar’ in Social Orbit,1, No.1, July 2015 (ISSN No. 2395-77189)
  11. Caste and the Middle Class in Colonial Malabar, Bengal Past and Present, Vol.133, 2014 (ISSN: 0005-8807)
  12. The World of the Middle Class in Colonial Malabar,  Social Orbit, Vol.5, No.1, 2019. (ISSN: 2395-7719)

Chapters in edited books

  1. ‘Representation and Dominance: The Case of Colonial Darjeeling’, in Arabinda Samanta, et.al, ed., Life and Culture in Bengal: Colonial and Post-Colonial Experiences, Progressive Publishers, Kolkata, 2011 (ISBN: 978-81-8064-190-9)
  2. ‘Kerala Renaissance and the Women’s Question’ In Amitava Chatterjee ed., Gender and Modernity, Setu Prakashani, Kolkata, 2015 (ISBN: 978-93-80677-74-3)
  3. Gender and Domestic Life in Colonial Malabar in Amitava Chatterjee ed., Historicizing Gendered Modernities in India, Primus Books 2020

In Newspapers

  1. ‘Kalimpong Remembered’ in The Statesman dated 13th September, 2002
  2. ‘Romancing the Hills’ in The Statesman dated 12th September, 2003
  3. ‘The Colonial Scholar’ in The Statesman dated 5th August, 2005
  4. ‘A Colonial Haunting’ in The Statesman dated 21st September, 2007


M.A. Second Rank; Junior Research Fellowship (UGC)

Membership of Professional/Academic bodies

  1. Member, Board of Studies, Ramakrishna Mission Residential College, Narendrapur
  2. Life Member, Institute of Historical Studies
  3. Member, Advisory Board, Social Orbit, Journal of Social Sciences (ISSN 2395-7719)

Papers Presented (invited/resource person)

  1. Invited by Department of History, Chandernagore Government College on  02.03.2023. Delivered a lecture on “Introduction to Historical Research”.
  2. Was a resource person at a National Conference – ‘Critique and Constructions: Contemporary Writings on Histories of Keralam’ – conducted by Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady on 26th, February, 2021.
  3. Was a resource person at a Refresher Course conducted by UGC-HRDC, Kannur University on 15th, July, 2019.
  4. Paper titled ‘Representation and Dominance: The Case of Colonial Darjeeling’ during a UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Life and Culture in Bengal in the 19th and 20th Centuries’ organized by the Department of History, Burdwan University on 11th and 12th March, 2008.
  5. Paper titled ‘Naxalite Movement in Kerala’ during a Seminar on ‘Reflections on Naxalism’ Organized by the Department of Sociology, University of Delhi on 3rd March, 2011.
  6. ‘Negotiating Tradition and Modernity: Middle Class Dilemmas in Colonial Malabar’ during a UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Locating Modernity and its Parameter: Perspective India (1556-2000)’ organized by the PG Department of History, Malda in collaboration with Department of History, Vidyasagar University at Malda on 21st and 22nd January, 2013

Papers presented at National Seminars

  1. Paper titled ‘Debates on Women and Domesticity in Colonial Malabar’ during a UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Historicising the Peripheries: Ethnicity, Science, Gender and Environment’ conducted by the Department of History, Vidyasagar University at Midnapore on 8th and 9th March, 2013.
  2. Paper titled ‘Kerala Renaissance and the Women’s Question’ during a UGC sponsored National Seminar on ‘Gendering Modernity: Colonial and Post Colonial Perspectives’ organised by Ramsaday College in Collaboration with Paschim Banga Itihas Samsad at Kolkata on 3rd and 4th January, 2014

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