History Department Information
About The Department
The journey of the Department of History began from the inception of the College in 2013. At present, it has three faculty members, and the intake capacity of students for a fresh batch is thirty three.
In the undergraduate course offered, students are given an opportunity to have a comprehensive understanding of Indian history from pre-historic times to the end of the twentieth century. There are also papers on Ancient Civilizations, various stages of European history, Contemporary World, and modern histories of the Far East and South East Asia.
The department aims to instill among the students a critical perspective of the past which will help them make a better sense of the present.
Classroom learning is made participatory with occasional presentations by students. Lectures are enhanced with the help of visual-aids. Visits to the museum have been organised with the objective of generating a passion in the subject. The department now has a library with a good collection of books.
The Course Outcome and Programme Outcomes are designed for enhancement of the clarity regarding the course.
B.A. Honours History (1+1+1 system)
Click here to Download PO and CO of History under 1+1+1 system
B.A. Honours History (CBCS system)
Click here to download the Programme outcome and Course outcome
B.Sc. Honours History (four year system 2023-2024)
Click here to download the Programme outcome and Course outcome under four year system 2023-2024
Total: 33
(UR-18, SC- 07, ST- 02, OBCA - 03, OBCB - 02, PWD - 01)
Classes are held in the four classrooms allotted to the department. Each room is equipped with a white or blackboard.
The department has a desktop computer as well as a laptop. The departmental seminar library possesses hundreds of books and several maps. E-resources are periodically uploaded on the college website.
Teaching, for the most part, is in the form of lectures with the aid of black/white boards and maps, and the occasional use of ICT enabled classrooms. Visits to museums are arranged to provide the students with first-hand experience of artifacts belonging to the past. As and when possible, guest lectures by experts associated with the discipline of history are organised.
Students are encouraged to prepare notes based on classroom lectures in combination with books issued from the library. They are also expected to make presentations of topics already covered. This not only enables them to shed inhibitions, but also help in comprehending the subject better as the presentations are always followed by a question-answer session. The process also helps the teachers in assessing the level of understanding of the students, and to make rectifications wherever required.
Assessment is further made through regular tests, and project assignments.
MS. Sumita Seal (Ex-Director, Directorate of State Archives) speaking at a seminar on the ‘Preservation of Archival Records’ on 6th January, 2022
At a Student Seminar held on 23rd September, 2022
At an exhibition on colonial era photographs at Nazrul Tirtha on 26th August, 2022
Visits to the Indian Museum in 2019