Bengali Department Information
The department of Bengali started its journey in the year 2013. At present the department offers under-graduate honours course following the West Bengal State University syllabus. The intake capacity of the department is 41.
The Course Outcome and Programme Outcomes are designed for enhancement of the clarity regarding the course.
Click here to download the Programme Outcome
Click here to download the Course Outcome
Gouranga Dandapat
Total | UR | SC | ST | OBC-A | OBC-B | PWD(UR) | EWS |
41 | 18 | 9 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 4 |
The department has airy and well lit classrooms.
In addition to the central library, the department also has its own seminar library for the easy access of books and other materials by the students.
The Department follows Chalk and Talk methods with improvisation towards better teaching learning process.
- Teaching involves the use of multimedia resources to better explain the content of the course materials and beyond.
- Students are often shown movies related to the literature.
- Students are given exposures outside the classrooms, e.g., a trip to Jorasanko thakurbari, or a trip to a theatre.
Students along with Gouranga Dandapat, faculty of the department at Jorasanko thakurbari
The department conducts regular internal assessments of the students.
Their responses are closely monitored.
Every once in a while they are asked to make presentations or are encouraged to participate in class interactions.